[55-6O more to go]
December 24, 2010
November 12, 2010
slowly, but surely.
I am so determined to lose weight. Not just a some weight, I want to look like I did in high school. I want to be healthy, I want to be able to keep up with Cayden. He's super fast. I am slowly, but surely getting there. I started Weight Watchers on August 7th, 3 months in and I've lost almost 25 pounds. :) 6O more to go...
Here are some pictures of my progress. 

6.4 pounds down

15.4 pounds down
22.8 pounds down
November 1, 2010
charlie brown.
Cayden was Charlie Brown this year for Halloween. It was fitting since he still has NO hair. Everyone loved him!
typical Cayden, not wanting to take a picture. 
Charlie Brown & the Elmo pumpkin.
August 18, 2010
high school skinny...
That is what I am determined to be...
I started weight watchers on August 7th and have lost 4 pounds so far, only 73-74 more to go. I know I can do it! I have to do it, I'm tired of looking and feeling the way that I do.
So any words of encouragement and/or advice would be nice and welcomed. :)
I started weight watchers on August 7th and have lost 4 pounds so far, only 73-74 more to go. I know I can do it! I have to do it, I'm tired of looking and feeling the way that I do.
So any words of encouragement and/or advice would be nice and welcomed. :)
July 29, 2010
BiEBER fever.
Yep, I have it.
My shirt said, "bieber fever".
This past Sunday I took my two nieces, Alyssa [11] & Nikki [14] and my cousin Racquel [12] to the Justin Bieber concert.
So much fun! I felt like a teenager all over again. The moment the tickets went on sale I was on the internet buying them. $271 for 4 FLOOR seat tickets. =D Then the countdown began. We all made shirts for the concert. We couldn't wait for the day to get here. We went to dinner near the arena, then headed to the concert. We waited almost an hour to get into the place! It was soooo hot. Once we were finally in we raced to our seats and Jessica Jarrell was already performing [no idea who she is] then Sean Kingston...and finally Justin Bieber. YAYYYY! He's such a great entertainer, especially for being only 16 and it being his first concert tour. Enjoy the pictures!!!
With my only nieces, ♥ Alyssa on the left, Nikki in the middle & me.
With Alyssa. =)
Me & Nikki =)
July 15, 2010
i did it!
I really did, after 6 long years of being out of it...I went back to school. I started this past Tuesday. So in the next year I will be a Certified Medical Assistant. :) So far I am loving it. Just a tad overwhelming and fast paced, just gotta keep my head above water. So far I am keeping up on my homework, making flash cards for all the vocab, as well as studying. I rarely studied or really applied myself in high school. This time around it's a different story. I want this more than anything. I want to be able to support Cayden and myself on my own. And unlike high school I am the one paying for this...so I gotta do it.
Straight A's here I come.
July 3, 2010
cayden's friends.
June 27, 2010
I'm not very good at this lately...
Well it's already the end of June, where the heck did this month go? My parents left for France on the 3rd and are still gone. Cayden and I miss them a lot. I can't wait to pick them up from the airport Tuesday night. I also can't wait to see all the cool souveniers we'll be getting, ha ha.
Well, onto Cayden...he is already 16 months old. I can't believe it. He is finally off the bottle and formula. I wasn't sure how to get rid of either one so I let him do it when he was ready. He was only getting a na-night time bottle anyways...and he just wouldn't drink out of it anymore so it was pretty easy getting rid of that thing. And I'm so happy he loves him some milk cus I was tired of mixing bottles.
What else have we been up to? We've had a lot of sleep overs lately with my niece, Nikki and cousin, Racquel. These girls crack me up, and remind me of my teenage years. Oh, and Cayden loves them by the way. Well, I think it's time for me to go to bed.
Enjoy the pics. =)
Cayden at the splash pad.

the girls, Racquel & Nikki.
Yep, we did a slip and slide in the backyard.
May 19, 2010
my new hobby.
Lately I've been painting...and I love it.
Painting with acrylic paints on canvas is my favorite. =)
Let me know what you think...

May 12, 2010
Words From The Heart, ♥.
Once upon a time, something happened to me...
it was the sweetest thing that could ever be,
A fantasy, a dream come true...it was the day that I met you.

No one can separate the bond between a mother and her son.

Being a mommy isn't about what you gave up to have a baby,
but what you've gained from having one.

Those who don't believe in love at first sight
have never given birth to the love of their life.
May 11, 2010
written December 4, 2008:
In just a few months my life will be forever changed. I will finally be a mommy. There are so many feelings racing through me every second of every day. I'm absolutely terrified, happy, anxious, excited, nervous...everything! I can't believe there's only 79 days left. It's crazy to think about. Right? Will I be a good mom? What if I mess up? So many question, but one thing I do know i being pregnant is absolutely amazing. I love, love, love it. I didn't even know I was pregnant for the first 2 months. But now, I'm 28 weeks along and my favorite part is feeling him move around inside and kick me. The feeling is indescribable. From the moment I took the pregnancy test, I had a feeling it was a boy...I mean, I was still hopeful for a girl...but I just knew I would have a lil prince. I am so thankful I've had such a great pregnancy thus far. I've gained about 12 pounds since my first doctor's appointment. Which isn't really much compared to what my sister and friends have gained with their first. I wouldn't mind gaining 50 pounds as long as my baby is born healthy. That's all I want...a happy, healthy baby boy. So wish me luck!

This was taken from my Myspace blog...I just want to always remember it since I'm deleting that old thing. =)
I sure am lucky, cus I got exactly what I wanted. A happy, healthy baby boy. ♥
May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! =)
I can't believe it's already my 2nd mother's day. Cayden brings so much love and happiness to my life. I don't know what I would do without this little fella.
Here's 4 generations; my mom, my grandma who just turned 84, myself & the little guy.
Cayden just LOVES hims mommy, ♥.
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