Check out some pics of Cayden enjoying the Christmas Holiday.
What's this?!
Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of 3 babies on the go?!

What's this?!
Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of 3 babies on the go?!
That's right, you can see hims little toofers. =)
(And I love his Ralph Lauren sweater, thanks Steph)
Cayden looking for Santa!
Eating Santa's cookies.
"WHAT, they're fake?!"
Mommy & Cayden.
The best Christmas present everrrr!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
He arrived last Saturday afternoon. He's a HALLOWEEN baby.
Yes, Cayden had an outfit change on Halloween. I love this pumpkin head and he loves his Grandma.
Cayden checkin' out the Moo Cow!
The boys at the Pumpkin Patch!
Surprisingly, when I had found out I was pregnant I was A LOT more further along then what we had thought. Chris and I had conceived right around the time he came back from overseas, sometime at the end of May. During the months of June & July I had what I thought were normal periods. In August when I didn't have one at all, I decided to take a pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive! On September 11th we had our first ultrasound and we were a bit shocked to see more than just a lil pea, it was a real baby. The doctor told us the conception dates and they didn't add up and he refused to listen to us. He pretty much told us, he was right and we were wrong. The next month (October 3rd) we went to another doctor for an ultrasound and she confirmed the due date we originally had was a bit off. The other doctor was WRONG & a jerk.
Now, a year later...Cayden is a week shy of EiGHT months old. I simply can't believe how big he's getting and how each month is just flying by. I truly believe all things happen for a reason, Cayden is my EVERYTHING.
Bald as can be!!! I am also a believer of the heartburn & hair thing. I had heartburn ONE time while I was pregnant.
Well, Cayden is now 7 months old and his hair still is not growing. I just want to be able to do my sons hair in a super cool way. You know? A baby mohawk or fauxhawk. I wonder when that day will come?! This is all the hair he has, and it's SLOWLY growing. I even tried combing it. Ha Ha. "Oh mom, stop it!"
Thank You, Mindy for my very first club shirt.