April 16, 2009

it's been a while, i know.

sorry, i'm not so good at this whole blogging thing. i like myspace better, ha ha. well to fill you in, my lil guy is already 2 months old! can you believe it? i can't. time really does fly by and they get big so fast. i never ever could have imagined how amazing it is to be a mommy. i love cayden more than life itself. i love watching him grow a little everyday. and his little personality is so cute. he is such a happy baby. he is always smiling and laughing. no word can explain it better than simply AMAZING. i am so lucky to have him in my life. anyways, i went back to work full time and it is no fun at all. i would much rather be at home with the lil guy. i am totally jealous of stay at home moms. well, back to work. enjoy the new pics.

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