October 29, 2009

brrrr, it's COLD.

I'm so excited it's starting to cool off, FiNALLY. Even more excited about Cayden's winter wardrobe. Ha Ha. He is going to look so cute these upcoming months.

Yesterday he was able to wear this little French outfit that he got from my dads cousin who lives in France. When I say little, I mean this will be the only time he gets to wear it unfortunately.
But he SURE looks handsome!
(even the socks match)
Since it's super close to Halloween I figured Cayden should wear his, "I love my Mummy" onesie today. It was so chilly today I even put this cute little sweater over it! SO so many compliments on it.

I am SO stylish!
Loving the cool weather & can't wait for the Holidays. :)

October 26, 2009

weekend of LOVE.

Friday night Cayden & I got to dress up all fancy and go to a SURPRiSE wedding reception for Michelle. The weekend before her & Nathan went to Mexico to get married. Unfortunately, after the wedding she didn't feel good. So some of her friends decided to throw a surprise reception. So glad I was able to attend that since I couldn't go to the actual wedding. Congrats you two! :) Cayden & MommyJessica, the BRiDE, me & Cayden
The Newlyweds!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

AND then Saturday night the girls were celebrating Kathy's last night as a bachelorette. Luckily, they were having a dinner to start the night off. Cayden & I were able to attend this part. Everyone looked so pretty! And I'm so happy for you, Kathy.

The beautiful bride to be & Cayden.
My girls!!!

October 17, 2009

Cayden's doings...

Since Cayden turned 8 months old last Sunday he's been doing a LOT of movin' & talkin'. Monday he started crawling on his knees, not just the army crawl anymore. He is constantly on the move, and so am I. The next day, Tuesday, he said his FIRST word. It wasn't mama or dada or baba...it was BELLA, our dog. Our dog who doesn't even want to be bothered by Cayden one bit. Ha Ha Ha.

We're so excited that Halloween's right around the corner. Cayden's gonna be a lil puppy!

October 14, 2009

Mommy's Big Boy

On Sunday Cayden turned 8 months old. I can't believe in 4 months we will be celebrating his FiRST birthday. Also, this past week he started crawling on his knees & hands! He'll take a few steps then fall to his tummy cus he's faster that way. AND...last night he said his first word! It wasn't mom either...it was Bella, hahaha. Our dog. So cute!!
Here's my HAPPY guy!

Happy Birthday, Lyss!

Today my youngest niece turns 11 years old! It's crazy how time FLiES by. I still remember the day she was born. How anxious and excited I was to go to the hospital after school. Now she's a beautiful, smart, stylish pre-teen!

Over the weekend, she & my nephews came from El Paso for a visit and Birthday Party. It was a good time. It's hard seeing them every few months when I was used to seeing them every week.

Happy Birthday, Lyss!Cayden & I loveeee you.

October 9, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

I am loving the fall weather!!! Isn't it great? I also can't believe it's already October! Time is just flying by & Cayden is getting so big.

Today, Kaleena invited us to go to the Pumpkin Patch with her, her son Jaxson, her mom & sister. So much fun. Checked out the animals & surrounded Cayden with pumpkins. I decorated Cayden's first pumpkin since he couldn't really do it. All he likes to do is put stuff in his mouth these days. ANYTHING in his mouth.

Cayden checkin' out the Moo Cow! The boys at the Pumpkin Patch!

October 3, 2009

1 Year Ago Today...

Chris and I found out whether we were having a lil boy or a lil girl...and as you know, we ended up with the most handsome lil fella in the WHOLE world. Here was our first glimpse of him and his precious little profile.

Surprisingly, when I had found out I was pregnant I was A LOT more further along then what we had thought. Chris and I had conceived right around the time he came back from overseas, sometime at the end of May. During the months of June & July I had what I thought were normal periods. In August when I didn't have one at all, I decided to take a pregnancy test and sure enough it was positive! On September 11th we had our first ultrasound and we were a bit shocked to see more than just a lil pea, it was a real baby. The doctor told us the conception dates and they didn't add up and he refused to listen to us. He pretty much told us, he was right and we were wrong. The next month (October 3rd) we went to another doctor for an ultrasound and she confirmed the due date we originally had was a bit off. The other doctor was WRONG & a jerk.

Now, a year later...Cayden is a week shy of EiGHT months old. I simply can't believe how big he's getting and how each month is just flying by. I truly believe all things happen for a reason, Cayden is my EVERYTHING.